
Good times.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

No news is good news 

I did have a scan six months ago and I did not post the results. Sorry. Feeling increasingly a member of this Land of the Living. The Land of the Dying keeps calling, asking for its passport back. To update, that scan was clean as was the one I took yesterday. The doctors are so excited. Each visit now they clamber into the tiny examination room like clowns into the clown car. And they repeat questions and prodding and smiles. Although the communication is excellent at MGH's sarcoma club they still want to see and feel for themselves. And I play the obliging patient, disrobing and robing and re-disrobing-and re-robing like an art class model. With all the millions in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging a hand on the leg is still an efficient way to check for metastasis in the legs.

More later and with fewer metaphors. After Colbert and Penn Meta-Free-Phor-All last night I just can't stop. Signing off to ski.

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