
Good times.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Matchday 11: 08:45 on the Orange Line platform at Mass. Ave. Weak winter sun. Empty train. Empty Cambridge Street.

Full waiting room. The constuction workers converting the jail into a hotel raised $15,000 for the hospital. New toys for the kids. New tv and videos for the kids. New Playstation 2 and Frogger. A bunch of six-year-olds crowded around the video game. Half of the group wear eye patches of gauze taped to their faces. Picking up the case for Frogger draws the attention of one of the kids. You eye him right back. You think you're tough stuff making it to level 2, Barney? I was playing this game when your parents were in high school. You want a piece of me, Wiggles? Oh, didn't see that snake did you, Elmo? That's right, go cry to mom.

More Marie Claire. You read for a second time about Katie Holmes' great loves. Pinot grigio and comfortable pants. Ron calls you in 20 minutes early. Good sign.

Back and right fields accessed. Very quick. Back to the subway and the South End. Can't keep the eyes open. 3 and a half hour nap. Ugh. There goes the day.

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