
Good times.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Response to the good news from the last scan:

It's interesting, Elizabeth. Out of Garcia Marquez, but...

as of a week ago I had no idea surgery was an option. It would have been used only b/c the radiation wasn't working fast enough. Although the intensity had been slighter lower than Delaney wished for the radiation was rightly assumed to be working fine. But since you only have a certain window to administer the treatment the tumor needed to respond at pace. If it hadn't shrunk off of the stomach the surgery would have kept me on schedule. It would have allowed them to use higher levels of radiation than they could safely with stomach involvement....so, it's great I don't need surgery. But imagine somebody walking up to you today and saying, "We might need to punch you in the face. Probably break your nose. We won't know until the scan on Thursday. We'll let you know Friday." And then on Friday they say, "Nope. No need to punch you in the face."

You're relieved. But what's up with all the face-punching talk?

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