
Good times.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The First Lady from Lebanon, NH 21 Oct. 04 

"And one of the most promising ways government can help us improve our lives is by supporting medical research. The President looks forward to medical breakthroughs that may arrive through stem cell research. You might not realize that, because people try to distort his record. But the truth is, George Bush is the first President to authorize federal funding for stem cell research.
Last year, the federal government invested nearly $25 million in embryonic stem cell research and over $191 million in adult and other stem cell research. Many millions more are spent by researchers in the private sector.
My father died of Alzheimer's disease and I share the President's eagerness to find a cure for this devastating illness. We're hopeful that stem cells will yield cures and therapies for a myriad of illnesses. But we know that the promise of research lies in the advancement of scientific knowledge and in a greater understanding of how stem cells can be used to treat illnesses. The President's policy makes it possible for researchers to explore the potential of stem cells while respecting the ethical and the moral implications associated with this research." (Applause.)

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